Keras2Vec Documents

class keras2vec.document.Document(doc_id, text, labels=[])

The Document class is used to contain a documents content - document id, labels, text These objects are passed into the Keras2Vec class, which will process them for training

doc_id (int): The identification number for the document or collection of documents.
While these should range from (1, num_docs), in theory this is not a hard constraint.
labels (list of str/int): a list of labels that contextualize the document.
For example: a sports article might be labeled - [‘news’, ‘sports’] NOTE: This is not fully implemented in the current version of Keras2Vec

text (str): the content of the document

gen_windows(window_size, pad_word='')

Generate a sliding window, of size window_size, for the given document

window_size (int): the size of the window, must be an odd number! pad_word (string): the word to pad indexes beyond the document, defaults to ‘’